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Your passport to global affairs

 NCWA Is Grateful to the Following Donors
For Their C
To the Model United Nations Program

July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024

Major Donors 
($1,000 or more)

Richard Clemens Jinny Johnson

Howard Cohen Iqbal Mamdani

Gulani Family Foundation Patrick Mattingly

Marianne Gymer Richard Ryder

Edith Hunt David Worthington

Ambassadors to the UN 
($250 to $999)

Karen Biemesser Judi Palay

Sue Bookbinder Dennis Parass

Rollie Crawford Mark Schwab

Colette Diegel Patricia Shaulis

Herbert Evert Dragan Stojanovic

Joe Forgiano Richard Toder

Mary Gately Thomas Topping

Mimi Gregory Mark Walchak

Michael Johnson Gregory Weber

Kishor Kulkami Mo Winograd

Marvin Lender

    Ministers to the UN        Consuls to the UN 
                     ($150 to $249)                  ($100 to $149)

Paula Himowitz Craig Korkoian

James Huskey

Edwin Leland

Nash McCauley        

Josephine Morse

Lyn Newsom

Elizabeth Pickering

Our Mission

We educate, inspire and engage our community in international affairs and global issues.

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