We greatly appreciate our donors’ generosity
enabling NCWA to make the following programs possible:
Lectures by experts in international affairs
Great Decisions small discussion groups
Southwest Florida Model United Nations Conference at FGCU
and support for other Model UN competitions
Programs supporting local students and teachers, including:
Summer scholarships
to special programs in North America and abroad
Academic WorldQuest
for middle and High school student teams
Debate judging
Networking events supporting
past competitors as they begin college and careers
Annual Educator of the Year Award
The contributions listed were made between July 1, 2023, and June 30, 2024. Those made after June 30 will be reflected in next year’s listing.
Major Donors
($1,000 or more)
Howard and Nancy Cohen
Deborah and Justin Doyle
Jim Fleck and Georgina Steinsky
Maria Grant
Jinny and John Johnson
William Komtheuer
Iqbal and Shelby Mamdani
Janet Markel
Maureen O’Gorman
Theodore Olson
Frederic and Louise Rust
Helge and Erika Wehmeier
President’s Club
($250 or more)
Daniel Alpert and Sally King Lucine Marous
Cynthia and Woodbury Andrews Scott and Sibylle McDonald Karen and Gary Biemesser Attila and Patricia Molnar Sheldon and Robin Birnhak Jack and Barbara Morgan
William Blomquist and Ghislaine Derouet-Blomquist Edward and Angela Murphy
Suzan Bly Terry Nauck and Cathie Scanlon
Paula Brothers and Karen Aeschlimann Lyn Newsom
David Brown and Mary Abbott Kathy and Steve Nichols
Douglas and Lenore Cameron Dick Norwood
Philippe and Betty Camus Maureen O'Gorman
Richard and Judith Clemens Craig Olson
Rollie Crawford Peter and Susan Ordway
Mark Curry Judi Palay
Albro and Linda Daniel Carl and Ellen Perelli-Minetti
Elihu Davison Robert and Patricia Poling
Art and Dianne DeLaurier Philip and Jeanne Reid
Bob Dilworth Meta and Richard Robertson
Deborah Doyle Robert Roland
David and Patricia Drew Gail Rothenberg and John Levy
John and Catherine Estey Robert and Joelle Roussel
Thomas and Margit Holt Fahey Michael and Gisele Saadeh
Steve and Marcia Feldhaus Christine and Dr. Richard Scales
Jim Fischer Jim Schmotter and Daphne Jameson
John Forsyth and Roberta Berglund Mark and Loraine Schneider
Anne Russell Foster Mark and Yone Schwab
Jean Foster Stuart and Harriet Schweitzer
Graham and Ann Frank William and Melinda Scott
William and Pamela Girtman Karen Serret
Rebecca Goodell and David Greenberg Floyd and Iris Shapiro
Gordon and Sigrid Graves Richard and Margie Spikerman
John Douglas Gray and Marion Cameron-Gray Dragan and Virginia Stojanovic
Carol Green Robert and Eileen Stuebing
Mimi and Peter Gregory Donna and Steve Suddeth
Michael and Elaine Griver George and Judith Tappert
Robert Haffa Ami Thorsteinson
Bill and Molly Hobgood Nick and Joanne Toro
Edith Hunt Geert Henk and Deborah Touw
James and Joanne Huskey Maureen Trerice
Bebe and Craig Kantor Rusty Troth
Melinda Kimble and James Phippard Alan and Julie Van Egmond Fred Klinkhammer and Lillian Veri Mark and Catherine Walchak
Emery and Karen Koenig Philip Ward
John Kovach Ralph and Fay Whitney
Judith and Lee Krow Martha Williams
Kishor Kulkarni Gunther and Maria Winkler
Marvin and Helaine Lender Mo Winograd
Marjorie and John Lewis Jena Wood and Basil Dobbin
Anthony Maglione Lou and Bruce Zellner
Ralph and Bonnie Mandell
Board of Directors' Club
($200 to $249)
Kenneth and Deborah Cohen Dieter Haussmann
Frederick and Cynthia Emhardt Robert King
Elizabeth Fenley and Richard Hacker Elizabeth Pickering
Steven Jess and Bonnie Richards Donald and Arlene Shapiro
Peter and Janet Swinburn
Richard and Judith Brown Noreen Murray
Peter and Delores Durkalski Marilyn and Paul O'Rourke
Robert and Anita Foster Sally and Jay Peacock
Diana and Ken Lewis Michael and Marlene Riley
Henri Lipmanowicz Barbara and W. Keith Smith
D. Dan and Pam McCarthy Mark and Agnes Vaughn
Ronald and Paula Meyer Gregory and Sharon Weber
Dennis and Deborah Muchmore Van and Myra Williams
Special Recognition
Russell Achzet Christian and Diana McCarthy
Laurie Adams and Thomas Carmen Nash McCauley
Ralph and Marie Akhavi Arden and Jacke McCurdy
Paul and Gail Beard Stuart and Linda Miller
Bruce and Judy Bendoff Steven Montross
Joanne and James Biltekoff John Morrison and B.R. Womack
Carol and Peter Boyd Jon Morse
Libbie Bramson David Myers and Cynthia Vance-Myers
E. Michael Brown Robert and Carolyn Myers
Jane and Gus Buenz Charles and Sharon Olson
Peggy Cernak Eric and Cecily Pedersen
Ronald and Nancy Cohen George Pickett
R. William and Chloe Cornell Jim Ragusa and Patricia Jones-Ragusa
Margaret Crabtree Randall Reher
Robert Curry Virginia Rich
Robert and Martha Davis Kathy Richards
Lee and Lia Denson Larry Russell
Foy and Jane Devine Tom Schader
David and Bobbi Drobis Bohdan Shandor
John Ellwood Laurence and Rita Sibrack
Sharon Jordan and Bill Feldman Michael and Susan Smith
John Ferriter Vicki Stoller
Natalie and Wayne Fisher Daniel and Sandra Sullivan
Joyce Fletcher and Tom Watts Ian and Judy Sutherland
Richard Foster Katherine Tardio
Elizabeth Frank Richard and Joan Toder
Marianne Friedland Patricia Villari
James and Margaret Frost Shirley Wade
Melvin Goldfine Dennis and Anita Wagoner
Carole Greene David Walker
Tim and Sandy Greenwood Nancy Wallace
Tom and Nancy Hanson George and Sally Wiley
Kurt Hesse Barbara Winthrop
Joanne Hobin Martin Wolman and Nancy Fischbach
Don and Lynda Insul Carol Wolniakowski and Brian Birnbaum
Alice Jacobs Ron Yamada
Scott Jones Mitchell Zeitler
Michael and Mary-Jane Kitchen
James and Lynn Knupp
Burton and Ruth Leibert
Other Contributors
Neil and Judith Adelman Phyllis and Richard Koze
Jonathan and Sara Adler Michael and Barbara Kurko
Meeyung Ainsworth Veronica Lacey and Jack Radford
Ollie Akeli Donald and Linda Lawson
Joseph Alexander Lynn Libman
Karen Anderson Sid and Janet Lindsay
Stuart and Jane Angus Joyce McBurney
Paul Atkinson Marty McCaffrey
Bruce Bacon Gerard McKenna
Bruce Baggaley Robert and Sue McNaghten
John Barlas Lynn McNulty
Sabine and Roger Bartzke Richard Macken
Carol Berger Karen Maguire
Ann and Murray Beynon Wanda Malone
Jenny and Neil Billig James and Marcia Maloni
Lewis Bognar Linda and Paul Markarian
Joanne Bowser Dean Mathews
Diane Bradley and John Mahoney Cathy and John Mayer
Charles Brodbeck Janice Mears and Andrew Coen
Earl (Jim) Browning Lynn and W. Ned Miller
Melvin Bubrick Roberta Millet
RoseMarie and Richard Butz Mivia Perez
Susan Calkins and Arthur Ritas Carolyn Montgomery
Albert and Ruth Capraro Geoffrey and Karyn Murphy
Paul and Martha Chrestensen George Murphy
Patricia Chunn William and Susanne Nicholl
Lawrence and Marilyn Cohen Robert Nossen
Kathryn Costello Daniel and Ellie O'Brien
Jessie and Ron Dalman Charles and Marjorie Ostrov
Terri David Ed Overmyer
George and Alice Day Jackie Parsinen
Robert and Nancy Dix Robert and Anita Poss
Katherine Doerr Bill Priesmeyer
Ronald and Kathy Emanuel Marsha Ragsdale
Kathy and Bill Farley Arkady Rapoport and Julia Litvin
Francis and Kathleen Fee Estelle Rauch
Jim and Kathy Fitzpatrick Charles Richardson
Lynn Flayhart Ronald Riner
Mary Fletcher William Rogler
W. Dennis Foley Tom and Martha Rooney
Lois Ann Folliard Ronald and Sandra Roth
Lila and Keith Ford Anthony Rottier
Peter Foreman George Ruffner
Judy Forrest and Neil Campbell Sally Salzer
Mona Freedman J.F. and Luann Scherer
Myrna George David Schmid
Heidi and Howard Gilbert Kenneth and Diane Schmidt
Douglas and Gretchen Gildner Rich and Claudette Schmidt
Gerald and Dianna Godshaw Gerry and Sally Schwartz
Theodore Goldberg and Jeri Hall Ilana Seligman
Bill and Carol Goldman Patricia and Peter Shaulis
Arthur Goldstein and Nancy Tuck Jerome and Stefanie Spivack
Paul and Marilyn Goldstein Jim and Susan Stam
Marianne Gymer James and Kathleen Stewart
Lewis and Dede Hadelman Nancy and George Taylor
Karen and Bruce Harris David Tiney
Marty Haugh Donald Timm
Stephen and Dianne Healy Barbara Todd
Thomas and Barbara Henderson Jamee and Thomas Todd
John Hessler Matthew and Susan Vitanza
John and Dian Holdeman Gert and Kate Wagner
Laura Ingraham and Laura Justinius William and Paula Webster
Charles Johns David and Ruth Weil
Judy and Stuart Kaplan Howard and Betsy Weiss
Ronald and Arline Kaplan Kelly and David Wenstrup
Michael and Catherine Kelleher Marion Williams
Alan and Carolyn Keller Everett and Virginia Wixom
Peter and Marcia M. Kelley Norman Wood
Lacey King Reesa and Larry Yarkin
Stuart and Terri Kline Judy and Melvyn Zahn
Thank you!